Package ''

Title: 'Amazon Web Services' Game Development Services
Description: Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' game development services, including 'GameLift' game server hosting <>.
Authors: David Kretch [aut], Adam Banker [aut], Dyfan Jones [cre],, Inc. [cph]
Maintainer: Dyfan Jones <[email protected]>
License: Apache License (>= 2.0)
Version: 0.8.0
Built: 2025-02-11 17:29:35 UTC

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Amazon GameLift


Amazon GameLift Service

GameLift provides solutions for hosting session-based multiplayer game servers in the cloud, including tools for deploying, operating, and scaling game servers. Built on AWS global computing infrastructure, GameLift helps you deliver high-performance, high-reliability, low-cost game servers while dynamically scaling your resource usage to meet player demand.

About GameLift solutions

Get more information on these GameLift solutions in the Amazon GameLift Developer Guide.

  • Managed GameLift – GameLift offers a fully managed service to set up and maintain computing machines for hosting, manage game session and player session life cycle, and handle security, storage, and performance tracking. You can use automatic scaling tools to balance hosting costs against meeting player demand., configure your game session management to minimize player latency, or add FlexMatch for matchmaking.

  • Managed GameLift with Realtime Servers – With GameLift Realtime Servers, you can quickly configure and set up game servers for your game. Realtime Servers provides a game server framework with core Amazon GameLift infrastructure already built in.

  • GameLift FleetIQ – Use GameLift FleetIQ as a standalone feature while managing your own EC2 instances and Auto Scaling groups for game hosting. GameLift FleetIQ provides optimizations that make low-cost Spot Instances viable for game hosting.

About this API Reference

This reference guide describes the low-level service API for Amazon GameLift. You can find links to language-specific SDK guides and the AWS CLI reference with each operation and data type topic. Useful links:


gamelift(config = list())



Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region.


A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using syntax like svc$operation(...), where svc is the name you've assigned to the client. The available operations are listed in the Operations section.

Service syntax

svc <- gamelift(
  config = list(
    credentials = list(
      creds = list(
        access_key_id = "string",
        secret_access_key = "string",
        session_token = "string"
      profile = "string"
    endpoint = "string",
    region = "string"


accept_match Registers a player's acceptance or rejection of a proposed FlexMatch match
claim_game_server This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups
create_alias Creates an alias for a fleet
create_build Creates a new Amazon GameLift build resource for your game server binary files
create_fleet Creates a new fleet to run your game servers
create_game_server_group This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups
create_game_session Creates a multiplayer game session for players
create_game_session_queue Establishes a new queue for processing requests to place new game sessions
create_matchmaking_configuration Defines a new matchmaking configuration for use with FlexMatch
create_matchmaking_rule_set Creates a new rule set for FlexMatch matchmaking
create_player_session Reserves an open player slot in an active game session
create_player_sessions Reserves open slots in a game session for a group of players
create_script Creates a new script record for your Realtime Servers script
create_vpc_peering_authorization Requests authorization to create or delete a peer connection between the VPC for your Amazon GameLift fleet and a virtual private cloud (VPC) in your AWS account
create_vpc_peering_connection Establishes a VPC peering connection between a virtual private cloud (VPC) in an AWS account with the VPC for your Amazon GameLift fleet
delete_alias Deletes an alias
delete_build Deletes a build
delete_fleet Deletes everything related to a fleet
delete_game_server_group This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups
delete_game_session_queue Deletes a game session queue
delete_matchmaking_configuration Permanently removes a FlexMatch matchmaking configuration
delete_matchmaking_rule_set Deletes an existing matchmaking rule set
delete_scaling_policy Deletes a fleet scaling policy
delete_script Deletes a Realtime script
delete_vpc_peering_authorization Cancels a pending VPC peering authorization for the specified VPC
delete_vpc_peering_connection Removes a VPC peering connection
deregister_game_server This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups
describe_alias Retrieves properties for an alias
describe_build Retrieves properties for a custom game build
describe_ec2_instance_limits Retrieves the following information for the specified EC2 instance type:
describe_fleet_attributes Retrieves core properties, including configuration, status, and metadata, for a fleet
describe_fleet_capacity Retrieves the current capacity statistics for one or more fleets
describe_fleet_events Retrieves entries from the specified fleet's event log
describe_fleet_port_settings Retrieves a fleet's inbound connection permissions
describe_fleet_utilization Retrieves utilization statistics for one or more fleets
describe_game_server This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups
describe_game_server_group This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups
describe_game_server_instances This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups
describe_game_session_details Retrieves properties, including the protection policy in force, for one or more game sessions
describe_game_session_placement Retrieves properties and current status of a game session placement request
describe_game_session_queues Retrieves the properties for one or more game session queues
describe_game_sessions Retrieves a set of one or more game sessions
describe_instances Retrieves information about a fleet's instances, including instance IDs
describe_matchmaking Retrieves one or more matchmaking tickets
describe_matchmaking_configurations Retrieves the details of FlexMatch matchmaking configurations
describe_matchmaking_rule_sets Retrieves the details for FlexMatch matchmaking rule sets
describe_player_sessions Retrieves properties for one or more player sessions
describe_runtime_configuration Retrieves a fleet's runtime configuration settings
describe_scaling_policies Retrieves all scaling policies applied to a fleet
describe_script Retrieves properties for a Realtime script
describe_vpc_peering_authorizations Retrieves valid VPC peering authorizations that are pending for the AWS account
describe_vpc_peering_connections Retrieves information on VPC peering connections
get_game_session_log_url Retrieves the location of stored game session logs for a specified game session
get_instance_access Requests remote access to a fleet instance
list_aliases Retrieves all aliases for this AWS account
list_builds Retrieves build resources for all builds associated with the AWS account in use
list_fleets Retrieves a collection of fleet resources for this AWS account
list_game_server_groups This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups
list_game_servers This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups
list_scripts Retrieves script records for all Realtime scripts that are associated with the AWS account in use
list_tags_for_resource Retrieves all tags that are assigned to a GameLift resource
put_scaling_policy Creates or updates a scaling policy for a fleet
register_game_server This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups
request_upload_credentials Retrieves a fresh set of credentials for use when uploading a new set of game build files to Amazon GameLift's Amazon S3
resolve_alias Retrieves the fleet ID that an alias is currently pointing to
resume_game_server_group This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups
search_game_sessions Retrieves all active game sessions that match a set of search criteria and sorts them in a specified order
start_fleet_actions Resumes activity on a fleet that was suspended with StopFleetActions
start_game_session_placement Places a request for a new game session in a queue (see CreateGameSessionQueue)
start_match_backfill Finds new players to fill open slots in an existing game session
start_matchmaking Uses FlexMatch to create a game match for a group of players based on custom matchmaking rules
stop_fleet_actions Suspends activity on a fleet
stop_game_session_placement Cancels a game session placement that is in PENDING status
stop_matchmaking Cancels a matchmaking ticket or match backfill ticket that is currently being processed
suspend_game_server_group This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups
tag_resource Assigns a tag to a GameLift resource
untag_resource Removes a tag that is assigned to a GameLift resource
update_alias Updates properties for an alias
update_build Updates metadata in a build resource, including the build name and version
update_fleet_attributes Updates fleet properties, including name and description, for a fleet
update_fleet_capacity Updates capacity settings for a fleet
update_fleet_port_settings Updates port settings for a fleet
update_game_server This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups
update_game_server_group This operation is used with the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ solution and game server groups
update_game_session Updates game session properties
update_game_session_queue Updates settings for a game session queue, which determines how new game session requests in the queue are processed
update_matchmaking_configuration Updates settings for a FlexMatch matchmaking configuration
update_runtime_configuration Updates the current runtime configuration for the specified fleet, which tells Amazon GameLift how to launch server processes on instances in the fleet
update_script Updates Realtime script metadata and content
validate_matchmaking_rule_set Validates the syntax of a matchmaking rule or rule set


## Not run: 
svc <- gamelift()
  Foo = 123

## End(Not run)