Title: | 'Amazon Web Services' Media Services Services |
Description: | Interface to 'Amazon Web Services' media services services, including 'Kinesis' video stream capture and processing, format conversion, and more <https://aws.amazon.com/media-services/>. |
Authors: | David Kretch [aut], Adam Banker [aut], Dyfan Jones [cre], Amazon.com, Inc. [cph] |
Maintainer: | Dyfan Jones <[email protected]> |
License: | Apache License (>= 2.0) |
Version: | 0.8.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-13 10:40:21 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/paws-r/paws |
AWS Elastic Transcoder Service
The AWS Elastic Transcoder Service.
elastictranscoder(config = list())
elastictranscoder(config = list())
config |
Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region. |
A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using
syntax like svc$operation(...)
, where svc
is the name you've assigned
to the client. The available operations are listed in the
Operations section.
svc <- elastictranscoder( config = list( credentials = list( creds = list( access_key_id = "string", secret_access_key = "string", session_token = "string" ), profile = "string" ), endpoint = "string", region = "string" ) )
cancel_job | The CancelJob operation cancels an unfinished job |
create_job | When you create a job, Elastic Transcoder returns JSON data that includes the values that you specified plus information about the job that is created |
create_pipeline | The CreatePipeline operation creates a pipeline with settings that you specify |
create_preset | The CreatePreset operation creates a preset with settings that you specify |
delete_pipeline | The DeletePipeline operation removes a pipeline |
delete_preset | The DeletePreset operation removes a preset that you've added in an AWS region |
list_jobs_by_pipeline | The ListJobsByPipeline operation gets a list of the jobs currently in a pipeline |
list_jobs_by_status | The ListJobsByStatus operation gets a list of jobs that have a specified status |
list_pipelines | The ListPipelines operation gets a list of the pipelines associated with the current AWS account |
list_presets | The ListPresets operation gets a list of the default presets included with Elastic Transcoder and the presets that you've added in an AWS region |
read_job | The ReadJob operation returns detailed information about a job |
read_pipeline | The ReadPipeline operation gets detailed information about a pipeline |
read_preset | The ReadPreset operation gets detailed information about a preset |
test_role | The TestRole operation tests the IAM role used to create the pipeline |
update_pipeline | Use the UpdatePipeline operation to update settings for a pipeline |
update_pipeline_notifications | With the UpdatePipelineNotifications operation, you can update Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notifications for a pipeline |
update_pipeline_status | The UpdatePipelineStatus operation pauses or reactivates a pipeline, so that the pipeline stops or restarts the processing of jobs |
## Not run: svc <- elastictranscoder() svc$cancel_job( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: svc <- elastictranscoder() svc$cancel_job( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
kinesisvideo(config = list())
kinesisvideo(config = list())
config |
Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region. |
A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using
syntax like svc$operation(...)
, where svc
is the name you've assigned
to the client. The available operations are listed in the
Operations section.
svc <- kinesisvideo( config = list( credentials = list( creds = list( access_key_id = "string", secret_access_key = "string", session_token = "string" ), profile = "string" ), endpoint = "string", region = "string" ) )
create_signaling_channel | Creates a signaling channel |
create_stream | Creates a new Kinesis video stream |
delete_signaling_channel | Deletes a specified signaling channel |
delete_stream | Deletes a Kinesis video stream and the data contained in the stream |
describe_signaling_channel | Returns the most current information about the signaling channel |
describe_stream | Returns the most current information about the specified stream |
get_data_endpoint | Gets an endpoint for a specified stream for either reading or writing |
get_signaling_channel_endpoint | Provides an endpoint for the specified signaling channel to send and receive messages |
list_signaling_channels | Returns an array of ChannelInfo objects |
list_streams | Returns an array of StreamInfo objects |
list_tags_for_resource | Returns a list of tags associated with the specified signaling channel |
list_tags_for_stream | Returns a list of tags associated with the specified stream |
tag_resource | Adds one or more tags to a signaling channel |
tag_stream | Adds one or more tags to a stream |
untag_resource | Removes one or more tags from a signaling channel |
untag_stream | Removes one or more tags from a stream |
update_data_retention | Increases or decreases the stream's data retention period by the value that you specify |
update_signaling_channel | Updates the existing signaling channel |
update_stream | Updates stream metadata, such as the device name and media type |
## Not run: svc <- kinesisvideo() svc$create_signaling_channel( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: svc <- kinesisvideo() svc$create_signaling_channel( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Archived Media
kinesisvideoarchivedmedia(config = list())
kinesisvideoarchivedmedia(config = list())
config |
Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region. |
A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using
syntax like svc$operation(...)
, where svc
is the name you've assigned
to the client. The available operations are listed in the
Operations section.
svc <- kinesisvideoarchivedmedia( config = list( credentials = list( creds = list( access_key_id = "string", secret_access_key = "string", session_token = "string" ), profile = "string" ), endpoint = "string", region = "string" ) )
get_clip | Downloads an MP4 file (clip) containing the archived, on-demand media from the specified video stream over the specified time range |
get_dash_streaming_session_url | Retrieves an MPEG Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) URL for the stream |
get_hls_streaming_session_url | Retrieves an HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) URL for the stream |
get_media_for_fragment_list | Gets media for a list of fragments (specified by fragment number) from the archived data in an Amazon Kinesis video stream |
list_fragments | Returns a list of Fragment objects from the specified stream and timestamp range within the archived data |
## Not run: svc <- kinesisvideoarchivedmedia() svc$get_clip( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: svc <- kinesisvideoarchivedmedia() svc$get_clip( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Media
kinesisvideomedia(config = list())
kinesisvideomedia(config = list())
config |
Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region. |
A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using
syntax like svc$operation(...)
, where svc
is the name you've assigned
to the client. The available operations are listed in the
Operations section.
svc <- kinesisvideomedia( config = list( credentials = list( creds = list( access_key_id = "string", secret_access_key = "string", session_token = "string" ), profile = "string" ), endpoint = "string", region = "string" ) )
get_media | Use this API to retrieve media content from a Kinesis video stream |
## Not run: svc <- kinesisvideomedia() svc$get_media( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: svc <- kinesisvideomedia() svc$get_media( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
API for AWS Elemental MediaConnect
mediaconnect(config = list())
mediaconnect(config = list())
config |
Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region. |
A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using
syntax like svc$operation(...)
, where svc
is the name you've assigned
to the client. The available operations are listed in the
Operations section.
svc <- mediaconnect( config = list( credentials = list( creds = list( access_key_id = "string", secret_access_key = "string", session_token = "string" ), profile = "string" ), endpoint = "string", region = "string" ) )
add_flow_outputs | Adds outputs to an existing flow |
add_flow_sources | Adds Sources to flow |
add_flow_vpc_interfaces | Adds VPC interfaces to flow |
create_flow | Creates a new flow |
delete_flow | Deletes a flow |
describe_flow | Displays the details of a flow |
describe_offering | Displays the details of an offering |
describe_reservation | Displays the details of a reservation |
grant_flow_entitlements | Grants entitlements to an existing flow |
list_entitlements | Displays a list of all entitlements that have been granted to this account |
list_flows | Displays a list of flows that are associated with this account |
list_offerings | Displays a list of all offerings that are available to this account in the current AWS Region |
list_reservations | Displays a list of all reservations that have been purchased by this account in the current AWS Region |
list_tags_for_resource | List all tags on an AWS Elemental MediaConnect resource |
purchase_offering | Submits a request to purchase an offering |
remove_flow_output | Removes an output from an existing flow |
remove_flow_source | Removes a source from an existing flow |
remove_flow_vpc_interface | Removes a VPC Interface from an existing flow |
revoke_flow_entitlement | Revokes an entitlement from a flow |
start_flow | Starts a flow |
stop_flow | Stops a flow |
tag_resource | Associates the specified tags to a resource with the specified resourceArn |
untag_resource | Deletes specified tags from a resource |
update_flow | Updates flow |
update_flow_entitlement | You can change an entitlement's description, subscribers, and encryption |
update_flow_output | Updates an existing flow output |
update_flow_source | Updates the source of a flow |
## Not run: svc <- mediaconnect() svc$add_flow_outputs( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: svc <- mediaconnect() svc$add_flow_outputs( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
AWS Elemental MediaConvert
mediaconvert(config = list())
mediaconvert(config = list())
config |
Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region. |
A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using
syntax like svc$operation(...)
, where svc
is the name you've assigned
to the client. The available operations are listed in the
Operations section.
svc <- mediaconvert( config = list( credentials = list( creds = list( access_key_id = "string", secret_access_key = "string", session_token = "string" ), profile = "string" ), endpoint = "string", region = "string" ) )
associate_certificate | Associates an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) Amazon Resource Name (ARN) with AWS Elemental MediaConvert |
cancel_job | Permanently cancel a job |
create_job | Create a new transcoding job |
create_job_template | Create a new job template |
create_preset | Create a new preset |
create_queue | Create a new transcoding queue |
delete_job_template | Permanently delete a job template you have created |
delete_preset | Permanently delete a preset you have created |
delete_queue | Permanently delete a queue you have created |
describe_endpoints | Send an request with an empty body to the regional API endpoint to get your account API endpoint |
disassociate_certificate | Removes an association between the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) certificate and an AWS Elemental MediaConvert resource |
get_job | Retrieve the JSON for a specific completed transcoding job |
get_job_template | Retrieve the JSON for a specific job template |
get_preset | Retrieve the JSON for a specific preset |
get_queue | Retrieve the JSON for a specific queue |
list_jobs | Retrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your most recently created jobs |
list_job_templates | Retrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your job templates |
list_presets | Retrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your presets |
list_queues | Retrieve a JSON array of up to twenty of your queues |
list_tags_for_resource | Retrieve the tags for a MediaConvert resource |
tag_resource | Add tags to a MediaConvert queue, preset, or job template |
untag_resource | Remove tags from a MediaConvert queue, preset, or job template |
update_job_template | Modify one of your existing job templates |
update_preset | Modify one of your existing presets |
update_queue | Modify one of your existing queues |
## Not run: svc <- mediaconvert() svc$associate_certificate( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: svc <- mediaconvert() svc$associate_certificate( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
API for AWS Elemental MediaLive
medialive(config = list())
medialive(config = list())
config |
Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region. |
A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using
syntax like svc$operation(...)
, where svc
is the name you've assigned
to the client. The available operations are listed in the
Operations section.
svc <- medialive( config = list( credentials = list( creds = list( access_key_id = "string", secret_access_key = "string", session_token = "string" ), profile = "string" ), endpoint = "string", region = "string" ) )
accept_input_device_transfer | Accept an incoming input device transfer |
batch_delete | Starts delete of resources |
batch_start | Starts existing resources |
batch_stop | Stops running resources |
batch_update_schedule | Update a channel schedule |
cancel_input_device_transfer | Cancel an input device transfer that you have requested |
create_channel | Creates a new channel |
create_input | Create an input |
create_input_security_group | Creates a Input Security Group |
create_multiplex | Create a new multiplex |
create_multiplex_program | Create a new program in the multiplex |
create_tags | Create tags for a resource |
delete_channel | Starts deletion of channel |
delete_input | Deletes the input end point |
delete_input_security_group | Deletes an Input Security Group |
delete_multiplex | Delete a multiplex |
delete_multiplex_program | Delete a program from a multiplex |
delete_reservation | Delete an expired reservation |
delete_schedule | Delete all schedule actions on a channel |
delete_tags | Removes tags for a resource |
describe_channel | Gets details about a channel |
describe_input | Produces details about an input |
describe_input_device | Gets the details for the input device |
describe_input_device_thumbnail | Get the latest thumbnail data for the input device |
describe_input_security_group | Produces a summary of an Input Security Group |
describe_multiplex | Gets details about a multiplex |
describe_multiplex_program | Get the details for a program in a multiplex |
describe_offering | Get details for an offering |
describe_reservation | Get details for a reservation |
describe_schedule | Get a channel schedule |
list_channels | Produces list of channels that have been created |
list_input_devices | List input devices |
list_input_device_transfers | List input devices that are currently being transferred |
list_inputs | Produces list of inputs that have been created |
list_input_security_groups | Produces a list of Input Security Groups for an account |
list_multiplexes | Retrieve a list of the existing multiplexes |
list_multiplex_programs | List the programs that currently exist for a specific multiplex |
list_offerings | List offerings available for purchase |
list_reservations | List purchased reservations |
list_tags_for_resource | Produces list of tags that have been created for a resource |
purchase_offering | Purchase an offering and create a reservation |
reject_input_device_transfer | Reject the transfer of the specified input device to your AWS account |
start_channel | Starts an existing channel |
start_multiplex | Start (run) the multiplex |
stop_channel | Stops a running channel |
stop_multiplex | Stops a running multiplex |
transfer_input_device | Start an input device transfer to another AWS account |
update_channel | Updates a channel |
update_channel_class | Changes the class of the channel |
update_input | Updates an input |
update_input_device | Updates the parameters for the input device |
update_input_security_group | Update an Input Security Group's Whilelists |
update_multiplex | Updates a multiplex |
update_multiplex_program | Update a program in a multiplex |
update_reservation | Update reservation |
## Not run: svc <- medialive() svc$accept_input_device_transfer( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: svc <- medialive() svc$accept_input_device_transfer( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
AWS Elemental MediaPackage
mediapackage(config = list())
mediapackage(config = list())
config |
Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region. |
A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using
syntax like svc$operation(...)
, where svc
is the name you've assigned
to the client. The available operations are listed in the
Operations section.
svc <- mediapackage( config = list( credentials = list( creds = list( access_key_id = "string", secret_access_key = "string", session_token = "string" ), profile = "string" ), endpoint = "string", region = "string" ) )
configure_logs | Changes the Channel's properities to configure log subscription |
create_channel | Creates a new Channel |
create_harvest_job | Creates a new HarvestJob record |
create_origin_endpoint | Creates a new OriginEndpoint record |
delete_channel | Deletes an existing Channel |
delete_origin_endpoint | Deletes an existing OriginEndpoint |
describe_channel | Gets details about a Channel |
describe_harvest_job | Gets details about an existing HarvestJob |
describe_origin_endpoint | Gets details about an existing OriginEndpoint |
list_channels | Returns a collection of Channels |
list_harvest_jobs | Returns a collection of HarvestJob records |
list_origin_endpoints | Returns a collection of OriginEndpoint records |
list_tags_for_resource | List tags for resource |
rotate_channel_credentials | Changes the Channel's first IngestEndpoint's username and password |
rotate_ingest_endpoint_credentials | Rotate the IngestEndpoint's username and password, as specified by the IngestEndpoint's id |
tag_resource | Tag resource |
untag_resource | Untag resource |
update_channel | Updates an existing Channel |
update_origin_endpoint | Updates an existing OriginEndpoint |
## Not run: svc <- mediapackage() svc$configure_logs( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: svc <- mediapackage() svc$configure_logs( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
An AWS Elemental MediaStore container is a namespace that holds folders and objects. You use a container endpoint to create, read, and delete objects.
mediastore(config = list())
mediastore(config = list())
config |
Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region. |
A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using
syntax like svc$operation(...)
, where svc
is the name you've assigned
to the client. The available operations are listed in the
Operations section.
svc <- mediastore( config = list( credentials = list( creds = list( access_key_id = "string", secret_access_key = "string", session_token = "string" ), profile = "string" ), endpoint = "string", region = "string" ) )
create_container | Creates a storage container to hold objects |
delete_container | Deletes the specified container |
delete_container_policy | Deletes the access policy that is associated with the specified container |
delete_cors_policy | Deletes the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration information that is set for the container |
delete_lifecycle_policy | Removes an object lifecycle policy from a container |
delete_metric_policy | Deletes the metric policy that is associated with the specified container |
describe_container | Retrieves the properties of the requested container |
get_container_policy | Retrieves the access policy for the specified container |
get_cors_policy | Returns the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration information that is set for the container |
get_lifecycle_policy | Retrieves the object lifecycle policy that is assigned to a container |
get_metric_policy | Returns the metric policy for the specified container |
list_containers | Lists the properties of all containers in AWS Elemental MediaStore |
list_tags_for_resource | Returns a list of the tags assigned to the specified container |
put_container_policy | Creates an access policy for the specified container to restrict the users and clients that can access it |
put_cors_policy | Sets the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration on a container so that the container can service cross-origin requests |
put_lifecycle_policy | Writes an object lifecycle policy to a container |
put_metric_policy | The metric policy that you want to add to the container |
start_access_logging | Starts access logging on the specified container |
stop_access_logging | Stops access logging on the specified container |
tag_resource | Adds tags to the specified AWS Elemental MediaStore container |
untag_resource | Removes tags from the specified container |
## Not run: svc <- mediastore() svc$create_container( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: svc <- mediastore() svc$create_container( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
An AWS Elemental MediaStore asset is an object, similar to an object in the Amazon S3 service. Objects are the fundamental entities that are stored in AWS Elemental MediaStore.
mediastoredata(config = list())
mediastoredata(config = list())
config |
Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region. |
A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using
syntax like svc$operation(...)
, where svc
is the name you've assigned
to the client. The available operations are listed in the
Operations section.
svc <- mediastoredata( config = list( credentials = list( creds = list( access_key_id = "string", secret_access_key = "string", session_token = "string" ), profile = "string" ), endpoint = "string", region = "string" ) )
delete_object | Deletes an object at the specified path |
describe_object | Gets the headers for an object at the specified path |
get_object | Downloads the object at the specified path |
list_items | Provides a list of metadata entries about folders and objects in the specified folder |
put_object | Uploads an object to the specified path |
## Not run: svc <- mediastoredata() svc$delete_object( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: svc <- mediastoredata() svc$delete_object( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
Use the AWS Elemental MediaTailor SDK to configure scalable ad insertion for your live and VOD content. With AWS Elemental MediaTailor, you can serve targeted ads to viewers while maintaining broadcast quality in over-the-top (OTT) video applications. For information about using the service, including detailed information about the settings covered in this guide, see the AWS Elemental MediaTailor User Guide.
Through the SDK, you manage AWS Elemental MediaTailor configurations the same as you do through the console. For example, you specify ad insertion behavior and mapping information for the origin server and the ad decision server (ADS).
mediatailor(config = list())
mediatailor(config = list())
config |
Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region. |
A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using
syntax like svc$operation(...)
, where svc
is the name you've assigned
to the client. The available operations are listed in the
Operations section.
svc <- mediatailor( config = list( credentials = list( creds = list( access_key_id = "string", secret_access_key = "string", session_token = "string" ), profile = "string" ), endpoint = "string", region = "string" ) )
delete_playback_configuration | Deletes the playback configuration for the specified name |
get_playback_configuration | Returns the playback configuration for the specified name |
list_playback_configurations | Returns a list of the playback configurations defined in AWS Elemental MediaTailor |
list_tags_for_resource | Returns a list of the tags assigned to the specified playback configuration resource |
put_playback_configuration | Adds a new playback configuration to AWS Elemental MediaTailor |
tag_resource | Adds tags to the specified playback configuration resource |
untag_resource | Removes tags from the specified playback configuration resource |
## Not run: svc <- mediatailor() svc$delete_playback_configuration( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: svc <- mediatailor() svc$delete_playback_configuration( Foo = 123 ) ## End(Not run)